calm Be Yourself Office S Off you f* Feeling stabby Holy Sh*tbiscuits F this S Work sucks Please Stop Talking Grade now Not my job Grammar police Nosey Little F'r Fix it. Jesus I just c*nt spell Nobody asked you Tired of your S* Dead inside Bad Influence B shut up Not mean Just DFA UR mom Focus B I'm a professional Fresh out Not today B Magnificent MF Richard Can you not I said what I said Pop off sis Disappointed in You Be Polite you F'r I Have Anxiety Your're Too Close This Meeting is BS Simma Down Click me if you're Not Interested But Did you Die? Hey Girl Hey Nice Day Only Coffee Absof*inglutely Ms. Behaving Ms. Takes You look better in pics Ms. Information Ms. Understood You already peaked Ms. Leading Why so confident You're not as dumb as you look At least you tried